(Posted on behalf of Traci Shoemaker, Corporate Account Manager ~ WW Health Solutions. Please refer to the Intercom announcement dated 6/4/2013 for information about registering for our Weight Watchers At Work meetings.)
Here is the latest edition of Quickbites, our bi-monthly newsletter with healthy tips and recipes designed to be shared with all employees to promote a healthy workplace.
In Good Health,
Traci Shoemaker
Corporate Account Manager ~ WW Health Solutions
Now that summer’s in full swing, we’re kicking it up a notch with an exciting celebration and contest.
With the Weight Watchers 50 Years of Success Contest, which runs July 21st through August 11th, you could win the You Only Live Once Adventure Grand Prize, worth $5000, or one of 50 First Place prizes. Weight Watchers meetings members and Weight Watchers Online subscribers who joined by June 1, 2013 are eligible to enter. Click here for the complete details and learn how to enter now.
But first, let’s talk about hunger pangs. We all get them. And if we give in to them whenever they strike, they can throw us off plan and lead to overeating. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid temptation, and outsmart your triggers. Read all about them in Clockwork Cravings?
And, even if you’ve had a weight gain, don’t worry. Little gains are often par for the course when you’re on a weight loss plan. Instead of feeling discouraged, be sure to read our article: How to Handle a Gain for great support and inspiration from other plan followers.
And finally, we wrap up this issue with a delicious, exotic summer side dish recipe that’s perfect for picnics too. Our Millet Tabbouleh is loaded with whole grain goodness and great flavor, but comes with a PointsPlus® Value per serving of only 3.
Stay cool!
~ Traci
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