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Are you ready for a fitness challenge?! From September through November Ithaca College Work/Life will be hosting the next IC A Healthy Me Challenge, “Fit in 42,” a six-week fitness competition for teams of four. Focusing on cardiovascular exercises and resistance training, Fit in 42 challenges participants to stick to a weekly workout routine.

For six weeks, teams of four will compete against other teams to determine who is the Ultimate Bomber Squad. Over these weeks, groups will work individually and as a team to complete their maximum amount of cardio and resistance training possible. This competition will challenge participants to do 4 sessions of resistance training, and 7 sessions of cardiovascular exercises per week, for 20-60 minutes each day. Teams will be required to log their fitness accomplishments using our online tracker, and at the end of the six weeks, the team with the most days participated wins!

Don’t have a team? Don’t be discouraged! Individuals without a team are still encouraged to participate. These free agents will be placed accordingly on incomplete teams, or teams of their own.


Important Dates:

  • Monday, September 4th--Deadline for Team Sign-Up
  • Wednesday, September 11th--Team Captain’s Informational Meeting
  • Monday, September 16th--Challenge Start Date
  • Monday, November 4th--Challenge End Date
  • Tuesday, November 5th--Winners Announced at Employee Benefits & Work/Life Fair


  • The Ultimate Bomber Squad
    - Each member will win an Amazon Kindle!
  • Healthy Bombers 
    - Each member will win an iPod Shuffle!
  • The Ultimate Bomber
    - This individual will win a $25 gift card to Moosewood!

Are YOU the Ultimate Bomber Squad?

Any questions? Email

Attention Mind, Body, Me Members: For participating in this challenge, you will receive 25 MBM Points! 

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