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Stressed?  Tired?  Over-burdened with work and family obligations?  Living too close to the edge?  You can learn to recharge your batteries and nourish yourself on a daily basis by living a more mindful life.  Regular practice of meditation slows you down, creates the space you need to relax and take stock, and can provide a measure of comfort and ease in the midst of the chaos of daily life.  This is NOT rocket science!  Anyone can learn how to “take care of your mind” and find the still point of rest and relaxation so vital and necessary in the world we live in.

During the fall semester, Work/Life will be offering pilot meditation classes taught by Michael Faber. If you are interested and would like to participate, please email Michael Faber at with your availability on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that a class schedule can be created. 


Before retiring at the end of June 2013, Michael Faber was the Hillel Director & Jewish Chaplain at Ithaca College for the past 31 years.  He has been a serious student of meditation for well over 35 years.  He developed a 3 credit course called Cultivating Meditative Awareness and has taught it every semester for the past 13 years and will continue to do so this coming academic year.  He is very interested as well in working with staff and faculty to teach a basic skill he calls “taking care of your mind” and is available to work with individuals and small groups to offer simple and straightforward instruction which anybody is capable of learning.

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Want to take care of your mind and revitalize your body? Take Meditation... | 0 Comments |
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