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Submitted by Marisa Kelly, Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs

The 2013-2014 opening Ithaca College faculty meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 19th at 2:00PM in the Park Auditorium.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Click here for a copy of the agenda.  

This meeting is an opportunity for us to come together and discuss issues of interest to faculty and the institution as a whole. This meeting is separate from the All College Meeting taking place on August 22nd.  The agendas are very different, so please plan to attend both if you are able.

I look forward to seeing you on the 19th and welcoming you to the start of the new academic year.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact MaryAnn Taylor at or (607) 274-3113. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

College Faculty Meeting Scheduled for August 19 | 0 Comments |
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