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ITS is pleased to announce that the TLC (Technology Learning Center) will be offering training on Taskstream and Sakai next week, Monday, August 12 through Friday, August 16.

Click the links below to register online instantly! Be sure to complete the full registration process in our new online training registration system. You will receive a confirmation message once you have successfully registered for a given topic. We'll see you in class!

Taskstream: Taskstream for DRF Evaluators

Sakai: Introduction to Sakai for Instructors 

ITS offers computing workshops every week on a variety of topics in the Technology Learning Center (101 Friends Hall) at no charge to all faculty, staff, and students. Click any of the links below to review upcoming training topics scheduled and register instantly.

TLC Training - Categories
TLC Training - Calendar
TLC Training - Catalog

To use the new training registration system, follow these steps:

1. Choose the topic, date, and time of the training session you wish to attend
2. Click "Add to Cart" or click on the link to the description, then click "Add this to my list of chosen courses."
3. Select additional topics to add to your cart, if you wish
4. Click "Checkout."
5. Enter your IC Netpass username and password and click the "Login" button.
(The first time you enter your IC Netpass username and password, a page showing your contact information will appear. Disregard the data in the greyed-out fields.)
6. Click "Submit."
7. You will receive an e-mail message confirming your registration.


Support for Persons with Disabilities: The ITS Technology Learning Center (TLC) in room 101 Friends Hall is accessible by wheelchair and includes a workstation that can be raised or lowered for optimal computer access. Support for visual and hearing impairments is also available. Individuals with disabilities who would like accommodations during training or consulting sessions are encouraged to contact Tony Tabone to make arrangements in advance (by phone at (607) 274-1045, or e-mail).


TLC Computer Training Offered Next Week: August 12 - 16, 2013 | 0 Comments |
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