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Residential Life is seeking interested faculty for the following Faculty Associate and Faculty Fellow positions in the residence halls for the 2013-14 Academic Year:

  • Faculty Associates in the First-Year Residential Experience (FYRE) Program
  • Faculty Fellow for the Sustainably Conscious Residential Learning Community

FYRE Faculty Associates

The First-Year Residential Experience (FYRE) Program is expanding and will house approximately 1,200 of the incoming class in the towers and upper quad residence halls. A new component of the FYRE program will connect the Integrated Core Curriculum themes with programs offered in the residence halls.

Faculty Associates will play a crucial role in helping students explore their integrated core theme by working with Residence Directors and Resident Assistants (RAs) to plan organized academic theme based programs and civic engagement/community service events for students.  The specific responsibilities of the Faculty Associates will include:

  • Attend a planning meeting each month with the focus on planning ICC theme events.
  • Plan and participate in six ICC theme focused events throughout the year, including an opening event within the first two weeks of classes. We are seeking faculty who are interested in the Identities and Inquiry, Imagination and Innovation themes. 
  • Faculty members participating in the program will receive $1,100 stipend plus dining hall meal passes in recognition of their service. 
  • For more information, visit :   

Sustainably Conscious Fellow

The Sustainably Conscious Living Community (SCC) is located in Terrace 2, and offers an opportunity for Ithaca College students to:

  • Understand the necessity of lifelong sustainable living.
  • Understand what is required to pursue sustainable lifestyles.
  • Become advocates of sustainable living and to educate the campus community about sustainable living through outreach programs.
  • Reduce their ecological footprint.
  • Understand the full environmental and social costs of their purchases, and how that relates to issues of sustainability.
  • Appreciate the importance of community, communication and collaboration to sustainability. 
  • Serve as a model program for sustainable practices at Ithaca College.

The responsibilities of a Faculty Fellow for Sustainably Conscious includes attending an August planning meeting with the Residence Director and RA staff; Attending the SCC Program opening orientation event during the first two weeks of the semester; attending community dinners; Planning and presenting programs/leading discussions that relate to sustainability.  Programs may include taking students to events on and off-campus, arranging for a presenter, and presenting on areas of personal interest/research.

Faculty Associates/Fellows must be full-time faculty members, and are eligible to receive $1,100 for professional travel or payroll. 

If you are interested in any of the listed faculty positions, please email a letter of interest to Dr. Jacqueline Winslow, Assistant Director of Residential Life for Residential Education,, by August 16, 2013.  Thank you for your consideration!

Seeking Faculty Associates/Fellow in Residential Life | 1 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Seeking Faculty Associates/Fellow in Residential Life Comment from jablard on 08/12/13
Searching in August? Short notice, don't you think?