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Over the summer, the President's Council approved the use of GoPrint print management software in the student labs (and the Library) starting this semester. President's Council asked that for the 2013-2014 academic year, the software be installed in all computer labs and printing usage monitored. A report based on this year's printing data will be given to President's Council in the spring. President's Council will then review the data and make recommendations for subsidized print allowances and, set print-pricing for students. 

This software will help the college better manage public printing. Specifically, for the 2013-2014 academic year, it will help:

  • Reduce paper and toner waste
  • Encourage the responsible use of limited resources 

Long term, it provides:

  • A sustainable managment option that accommodates subsidized student print allowances and pay for print options for students printing in labs and the Library
  • A way to provide color printing in the Library and the main ITS public labs

What does this mean for you? When an Ithaca College user prints on a lab or Library computer, a GoPrint pop up will prompt for their Netpass credentials. When they enter credentials they will see the print job and can release the job to the printer. Authentication occurs each time a user prints to ensure that only the user can print from that account.

The software is activated in the main public labs: Friends 110, CHS and Williams 210. It is hoped that it will be turned on in the Library in September after testing and in other labs throughout the fall semester. Information Technology Services  will coordinate this effort with the lab coordinators.

ITS Helpdesk,
104 Job Hall

Update on Print Management Software and Student Lab Printing | 0 Comments |
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