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 Attention aspiring jazz vocalists! - The IC Jazz Vocal Ensemble is looking for singers! 

The Ithaca College Jazz Vocal Ensemble (ICJVE), led by Catherine Gale, features jazz for voices, both a cappella and accompanied by their own band.  They perform at least 4 times per year.

All Ithaca College students regardless of major are eligible to audition for placement into the Jazz Vocal Ensemble. 

Auditions for the ensemble will be held on Thursday August 29th with slots beginning at 6PM in Nabenhauer (4308) 

Any students wishing to audition should sign up for a time slot prior to the audition on the sheet posted in the music building (Whalen) by the 3rd floor room #3206.

Please note that everyone who is interested (even those who have previously been in the group) must  sign up  & audition.

More Info:

The audition will last roughly 8 minutes. please be warmed up & ready 10 minutes before your audition time. There will be an "audition interview" sheet you should fill out BEFORE your audition time. You should be prepared to:

1) Sing a song of your choice that you know well (jazz standard preferred). PLEASE bring music for your song! I will accompany you on the piano, or you may accompany yourself, or bring an accompanist.

2) Sing a one octave chromatic scale up & down- Starting note of you choice.

3) Sight-sing a short part from a 4-part jazz vocal arrangement.

4) Improvise (scat-sing or make up a melody with words) over a chord progression of your choice. If you have never improvised vocally, I will play a standard 12-bar blues progression and see how you react vocally to what you're hearing.

The Jazz Vocal Ensemble meets Tuesday & Thursday evenings 6:05-7:55 PM. Concert dates are October 6 (afternoon), October 25, December 12, and April 22.

Music majors may receive .5 elective credit for the ensemble, non-music majors may receive 1 liberal arts credit.

Rhythm section players interested in playing the in the group should audition during the Jazz Ensemble auditions with Jazz Studies Director Mike Titlebaum at ( ) and contact the director Catherine Gale at .

I look forward to hearing you!

-Catherine Gale, Director ICJVE

If you have questions please email

The IC Jazz Vocal Ensemble is looking for singers! Auditions 8/29/13 | 0 Comments |
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