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Attention Students living in Extended Occupancy Triples and Temporary LoungesContributed by Linda Koenig on 08/23/13 All students living in Temporary Lounges and Extended Occupancy Triples will receive priority on the fall wait list to move into a double or triple room. When you check into your room on August 25th, you will receive a preference form that needs to completed and submitted to the Office of Residential Life by August 30, 2013 befroe 5pm. Students living in a lounge will be reassigned either during the fall semester or over the winter break. Students living in an Extended Occupancy Triples can remain in that space all year. Please also remember, that as long as you check into a Temporary Lounge or Extended Occupancy Triple, you will receive a $748 rebate, free basic cable and free microfridge rental while in the room. Students whose extended occupancy triple returns to a double or a student removed from a temporary lounge prior to check in will not be eligible for the rebate, microfridge or cable. If you have any questions, please contact us at 607-274-3141 or |
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