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“The LSAT and the Admissions Process” is the second of three evening workshops for those with an interest in the study and practice of Law.

This session will cover how the law school admissions process works and how students will be able to best position themselves for acceptance into law school. Students will have the opportunity to quickly learn that their Law School Admissions Test (“LSAT”) score, along with their GPA, are the two main factors most law schools consider in the admissions process. This session would be designed to answer questions about the best way to prepare for the LSAT and its significance in the admissions process and cover the law school admissions process in general.

Michelle Fongyee Whelan, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School will be hosting this workshop.

This event will be hosted Wednesday, September 11, 2013 from 6:30 pm until 7:45 pm at 101 Textor. All Ithaca College students with a possible interest in law school or the practice of law are invited to attend. There will also be Pizza!

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