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 The Ithaca College Student Government Association serves as the student body's bridge to the administration when it comes to on-campus issues and concerns. 

 We want you to be a part of it! We have a great cohort of senators and executive board members who are really looking to make a difference on campus this year. 

We have the following positions open for you to fill in! And if you're looking for more info, you can email  

  1. International Student Senator
  2. 5 Student at Large Senators
  3. Club Sports Senator
  4. Varsity Sports Senator
  5. Graduate Student Liaison
  6. Music School Senator
  7. Off Campus Senator
  8. Transfer Student Senator

  If you'd like to run for any of those positions, the schedule for elections is listed below!

  • Sept. 5, Lead in Session for empowering students who are not sure if they should run or not, or what "campaigning" actually entails (led by Courtney Brown, and you receive SLI Credit!)
  • Sept. 9, Rush Night, and elections packets are made available
  • Sept. 13, Election Packets due
  • Sept. 16, Platform Presentations and Campaigning begins officially
  • Sept 23-25 Polls open
  • Sept 26, Results Posted!    

SGA can be a great way for you to make a big difference on campus. We hope you join us!

Open Positions for Student Government Senators | 0 Comments |
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