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 Are you or anyone you know interested in singing gospel music? Come and join IC's Amani Gospel Singers!

 Amani Gospel Singers is a group on campus that meets on Fridays from 4-6pm and sings gospel music! You do NOT have to audition, all you have to do is come to practice and bring your voice. If you have not had any prior experience in singing, do not worry at all! You are still welcome to come and join us for practice. We have various performances on campus as well as a big performance at the end of every semester, so your attendance to rehearsals are important! There are not "requirements" to join us, just show up to Whalen Room 3302 on Friday at 4pm!

If you are also interested in joining our list-serve, please email


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Interested in joining a gospel choir on campus? | 0 Comments |
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