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In recent years, wireless capabilities have not kept pace with demand. Five years ago, when the IC wireless network was launched, very few students brought laptops to class. Now, the majority of students have multiple wireless devices that they use throughout the day. The use of smart phones has dramatically increased while cell phone companies have limited data plans, driving users to wireless networks. ITS is aware of the issues with our wireless network and will be doing a "site" survey of the wireless network in academic and administrative buildings this semester.

This survey will involve a room by room, building by building analysis to identify what changes need to be made to the wireless infrastructure. Once the survey is complete, we should know how many access points (APs) are needed, the kinds of antennas that should be used, where the gear should be placed and in what density, and how much this remediation will cost. Having this information will help us create a plan to enhance wireless access across campus.

We know you are frustrated. Wireless bandwidth is shared; the more people connecting to wireless at the same time in the same location, the slower the performance. Wireless will never perform as well as the wired network. Other factors that affect performance include wireless access point placement, building materials, the need for data security and the number of people using wireless signal at any given time. Hardware will also have an impact on performance; laptops, tablets, iOS devices and smart phones all use different hardware, which affects how each device connects to a wireless network.

Although we can’t easily solve the wireless problems, we have made working with faculty in classrooms on wireless issues a priority. Faculty relying on wireless during class should contact the ITS Helpdesk if experiencing problems. We will work with you to determine if there is anything that can be done short term to alleviate the issues.

Students experiencing problems should contact Apogee about myResNet issues, 1-877-478-8893 and the ITS Helpdesk for questions about ICAirnet and ICAirnet-Secure. Thank you for your patience and support.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

ICAirnet and ICAirnet-Secure Wireless Update | 2 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
ICAirnet and ICAirnet-Secure Wireless Update Comment from pyoung1 on 09/11/13
So, when should we expect to see improvements over what we currently have for Wi-Fi access? If the plan you mentioned is going to be investigated this semester, should we expect that when return for the Spring that there will be some kind of improvement? Or will that take another semester to go through purchasing and planning?

Honestly, this should have been anticipated - obviously there are not enough computers for everyone on campus to be able to use when they need to during peak hours, so they are going to turn to their personal devices. If they are in class, and they want to try and make a connection to something the professor is saying, they will use their personal device. It is a frustration that students don't need piled on top of everything else, and my only hope is that the upgrade process moves quickly, and does not get tied up with red tape.
ICAirnet and ICAirnet-Secure Wireless Update Comment from erugg on 09/12/13
Thanks for this feedback. We don't have a time estimate yet. We expect that this
remediation will be costly and until we know more facts are unable to commit to
a timetable. Apogee did work during spring 2013 on the residential hall network
wireless system. We had hoped that that work would help alleviate some
pressure but demand has exponentially increased in a very short amount of
time. I am sorry that I am being vague; I understand your frustration and want to
assure you that we are actively working on this problem.