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Looking for ways to still be involved with study abroad and to continue to share your study abroad experience. Well…here is your chance! Join Culture Connections Club for our kick-off event, Thai Night on Monday, September, 23 in Friends 309 at 7:00 PM. Come join us for some free Thai food and a discussion of upcoming events and activities for the club!



The Cultural Connections Club provides any student who has ever studied abroad or traveled abroad, whether that was in high school or just across the country, like in IC’s L.A. or NYC centers. Moreover is interested in all things international with an opportunity to get together and share their travel experiences, photos, and study abroad memories, while celebrating other nations' diverse traditions. So, come join us and to learn what we are all about, hope to see you there!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Jamie Hom at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Cultural Connections Club Thai Night 9/23 at 7:00 p.m.! | 0 Comments |
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