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Sherry Deckman's chapter, "Engaging Critical Diversity in Educational Reform," has been published in the new edited collection, Leading Educational Change: Global Issues, Challenges, and Lessons on Whole-System Reform.  

The book, edited by Helen Janc Malone, explores contemporary issues affecting educational change, and the portion of the book in which Deckman's essay is featured focuses on equity and educational justice. Linda Darling-Hammond, of Stanford University, notes, "This book tackles critical issues and conundrums about how to create productive educational systems by a group of exceptionally knowledgeable thought leaders from the U.S. and around the world."

Dr. Deckman focuses her scholarship on issues of diversity in teacher education and higher education. She joined the Education Department in Fall 2013.

Sherry Deckman, Assistant Professor of Education, publishes chapter in new book by Teachers College Press. | 1 Comments |
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Sherry Deckman, Assistant Professor of Education, publishes chapter in newbook by Teachers College Press. Comment from psubramaniam on 09/24/13
Congratulations, Sherry!