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Maura Stephens, associate director of the Park Center for Independent Media, wrote a chapter in the recently published book Policing the Campus: Academic Repression, Surveillance, and the Occupy Movement, edited by Anthony J. Nocella II and David Gabbard and published by Peter Lang. Her chapter, "Higher Ed on a Slippery Slope: Pulling It Back from the Brink," includes suggestions for practical ways in which students, staff, faculty, administrators, and governing boards can protect their colleges and universities from those who would subvert academic freedom, unfettered media, free speech, critical inquiry, and rights to privacy and to dissent.

Stephens also wrote three poems that were selected for inclusion among works from every corner of the globe in Kamesan's World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Rights Violation, compiled by Dimitar Anakiev and published in spring 2013.

She has given four conference presentations so far this year, two at Left Forum in New York, one at Green Festival in New York, and one at the National Conference on Media Reform in Denver.



Two new publications from Maura Stephens, associate director of PCIM | 1 Comments |
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Two new publications from Maura Stephens, associate director of PCIM Comment from abarlas on 09/25/13
Congratulations, Maura!