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The James B. Pendleton Photography awards are intended to make our strongest photography projects exhibition ready by providing funding for the finishing costs of students’ projects.


Application Guidelines:


·      Student must be enrolled in a 300 or 400 level photography course in the Park School of Communications.


·      The deadline to submit materials for the competitively awarded James B. Pendleton Photography Award is Monday, November 4, 2013.  Submissions are due by 3:00 p.m. on or before that date in Barbara Terrell’s office, Park 357.


·      There is no application form.  In order to be considered for a monetary award, you must submit a portfolio of ten prints that represents your work-in-progress.  Although “work prints” are acceptable, make certain the quality of the print is good enough to communicate the meaning of the image.  Unless your final images are intended to be smaller than 8”x10”, your portfolio should be printed at least that size or larger.  Your submission should include a detailed proposed budget, and an artist’s statement contextualizing your work.


·      Award decisions will be announced on Friday, November 8, 2013.


·      As a part of the grant, recipients may receive additional funds to submit one finished exhibition-ready photo, which will become the property of the Cinema, Photography and Media Arts Department.


·      In order to receive the final $100 of their award, recipients must submit a CD documenting the project funded by this award.  Digital files should be in JPEG format, 1000 pixels on their longest axis.

Photography Completion Award deadline set. | 0 Comments |
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