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The St. James A.M.E. Zion Church will host a screening of "The Spirit of Freedom and Progress in Tompkins," a documentary produced by Assistant Professor Gossa Tsegaye on October 12. The event begins at 7 p.m. and is free an open to the public.

The documentary features a staged a dramatic reading of Frederick Douglass’ impassioned 1852 speech. Tsegaye produced and directed the live reading with a crew of 15 Ithaca students and several Park School Technical Operations staff members in October 2012. The event was coordinated by The History Center and the St. James A.M.E. Zion Church.

This initiative was generously funded by the Park Foundation.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodation should contact the St. James A.M.E. Zion Church.

Gossa Tsegaye's Documentary on Frederick Douglass to Screen | 1 Comments |
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Gossa Tsegaye's Documentary on Frederick Douglass to Screen Comment from shamula on 10/11/13