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Tuesday, October 15, 2013
12:00 - 1.30 p.m. (bring your lunch), Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center

Facilitated by Pat Spencer, Assistant Professor, Ithaca College, Department of Writing; Richard Kiely, PhD, Cornell University, Engaged Learning and Research.

The alignment of instructional design and assessment is key to documenting and enhancing quality service-learning outcomes. This workshop will focus on instructional design strategies that foster key learning outcomes in service-learning and participants use resources provided and a course design template to identify appropriate instructional strategies as well as assessment techniques to evaluate quality learning in service-learning. The workshop facilitators will describe different types of instructional designs, assessment plans drawn from their own work in different fields as well as offer a number of tools and resources for workshop participants.
(Register Here)

Richard Kiely currently serves as the Director of Engaged Learning and Research at Cornell University. In 2002, he received his PhD from Cornell University, and in 2005 was recognized nationally as a John Glenn Scholar in Service-Learning for his longitudinal research that led to the development of a transformative service-learning model. His research focuses primarily on institutional models that foster sustainable campus-community partnerships, as well as student learning and faculty development in engaged learning and research.

A certificate of completion will be offered to those who attend two of the three service-learning sessions (first session was held on 9/18/13 and the third will be held on 10/29/13). The series is intended to prepare IC faculty for the May 2014 CFE Excellence Institute on Service-Learning.

Co-sponsered by the Center for Faculty Excellence and the Office of Civic Engagement.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Laurie Wasik at or (607) 274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

CFE/Office of Civic Engagement Service-Learning Series - Topic: Evaluating the Impact of Service-Learning | 0 Comments |
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