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Today the Roy H. Park School of Communications houses more than 1,500 students, but its beginnings date back to 1931 when the first radio course was taught. In 1973, the School of Communications was founded, later named after Roy H. Park.

Please join us as we celebrate our 40th anniversary as a school.

These following Alumni Weekend events are open to the Ithaca College community:

Skip Landen Golden Doorknob Awards and Screening
Friday, October 11
7 p.m.
Park Hall Auditorium 

See "classic" doorknob films along with this year’s winners.

Alumni-Faculty Roundtables
Saturday, October 12
10:30 a.m.-noon
Park Hall Classrooms

Topics include:

  • "Social and Digital Media: New Connections Amongst Individuals and Organizations"
  • "Fantasy and Reality in Sports Media"
  • "Journalism Reinvented!"
  • "21st-Century Leadership"

For a complete list of participants and moderators, click here.

School of Communications 40th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, October 13
11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Celebrate our entire history of communications at Ithaca College with this interactive celebration of eras and student organizations.





Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Melissa Gattine at or (607) 274-1023. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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