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Ithaca College Women in Communications presents its first ever Tennis for Tatas event, being held on October 27, 2013. Proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, dedicated to education and research about causes, treatment, and the search for a cure for breast cancer. October is breast cancer awareness month, so get involved! 

You can register online here:

Registration begins Monday, October 7th and will continue until October 24th at 4 p.m.

Sign up as a team of two for doubles or as an individual for doubles or singles.

The ladies of IC WIC will be tabling with sign-up sheets October 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd and 24th in the Campus Center lobby. The cost to register is $10 per person.


There will also be free food for registered players, a raffle with awesome prizes, music and games.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Camden Weber at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

IC Women in Communications presents Tennis for Tatas! | 0 Comments |
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