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The Ithaca College Rowing Team is pleased to again offer "Rent-A-Rower" for anyone needing healthy college students to do some physical labor around your home.  We can rake leaves, stack wood, dig ditches, paint fences, move furniture, clean garages, or do just about any other job needed to be done.

Workers can be hired by e-mailing the coach at or calling 274-1266.

Workers are available from 2-5pm on Sunday afternoon, November 3. The charge is $35 per worker with a minimum order of two workers and $70.  Here is what you do....
Call or write the coach with your order describing the job.  Don't hesitate to ask questions!.

Pick up your workers at 2pm at the flag-pole outside Textor Hall on Sunday, November 3.  Coach Robinson will be present to facilitate the process.

Be prepared to pick-up and provide return transportation back to campus after the job.

Pay your workers after the job is done with cash or a check made out to "Ithaca College Crew." 

The minimum work order is two workers and $70, but you can ask for more workers at $35 each.

Individual workers have the right to refuse jobs that may be risky or out of their skill range.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Becky Robinson at or (607) 274-3145. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Got a big job that needs doing? Rent-a-Rower on November 3. | 0 Comments |
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