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Hillel presents the maniCURE - Monday, October 21st from 10-2 in the North Foyer of Campus Center! 

Come get a manicure for $8! Money raised goes directly to Sharsheret, a Jewish Breast Cancer Awareness Organization.

PINK HAIR EXTENSIONS for $10 will be done from 10am-1pm ONLY

Just stop by throughout the day to get a manicure. You can sign up for an appointment the day of the event by stopping by the table. CASH only please. 

Help us raise money for an amazing cause and help support breast cancer awareness month!!

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations, should contact as soon as possible.

maniCURE - Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month! | 1 Comments |
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maniCURE - Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Comment from jwillia6 on 10/21/13
I wish the hair extensions and maniCUREs were going on for more than one day,
weren't they here on campus more than one day last year? I missed the hair
extension people by 20 minutes today bc I was busy, I was so excited for it and
that the money I would be spending would be used for Breast Cancer awareness.
This event should definitely be on campus more than one day so that more
students will know about it and participate.