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The Mirror Magazine is looking for Submissions in art, photography, personal essay, fiction, poetry, etc. that reflect on mental health.

The Mirror is an entirely submissions-based literary arts magazine working in alliance with Active Minds to generate conversation surrounding mental health through creative media. We are looking for submissions in: art, photography, personal essay, fiction, poetry, etc. that reflect on mental health. The goal is to create a portable conversation that transcends Active Minds' events. 

We hope to highlight the individual narratives within a collective experience, as well as spread awareness of the resources within that collective space. Mental health is as universal and important as physical health, but is often shadowed in stigma and embarrassment. We are asking people to share their stories through different artistic forms, so that those reading will be able to understand and connect with the writers. With this magazine, we hope to work towards normalizing the discussion, while simultaneously reaching a population that is perhaps reluctant to seek help.

It is important to note that you do not have to have suffered from a mental illness to submit. Not everyone has a mental illness but everyone has mental health.

Please direct any questions and submit work by DECEMBER 6th to

Get Published! Due date extended for art, poetry, photography, essay, etc. submissions! | 0 Comments |
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