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 For the entire month of November, book-donation boxes for the Harry Potter Alliance will be placed in various parts of Campus Center as part of the Accio Books drive.  The HPA is collecting gently used books to donate to the international literacy initiative Books for Africa.

 As a part of its ongoing mission to help defeat the social-inequality dementors of the world in true Dumbledore's Army fashion, the Ithaca College Harry Potter Alliance is collecting gently used books in several boxes around Campus Center for its Accio Books campaign.  The donations will go to Books for Africa, an international nonprofit that since 1988 has sent over 22 million books to schools in 45 different countries in Africa to help schools there teach children literacy and foreign languages.  We are accepting donations of books from all genres and languages, although we would appreciate books that have been gently used and are not missing pages or spines.  

Each of the four boxes will be marked with the colors of one of the four Hogwarts houses; if you'd like to add books to your own house's box simply contact to find out where your house's box is located and then add your books.  The house that collects the most book donations by the end of the month will receive a special prize within the Harry Potter Alliance.  All four boxes will be available for donations starting in November.  

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact The Harry Potter Alliance at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Accio Books: Support the Harry Potter Alliance with Book Donations | 0 Comments |
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