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Dr. Donathan Brown, assistant professor of communication studies and former H&S predoctoral diversity fellow, is slated to give the keynote address at the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Linguistics in Colombo, Sri Lanka (November 2013).


Dr. Brown's talk will blend the conference theme, "At the Intersection of Language, Culture, and Politics" with his work on political controversies pertaining to global issues such as immigration and voting rights.  Specifically, he will focus on de-constructing how the usage of language shapes perception and political behavior relevant to such issues.  



Donathan Brown, Communication Studies (H&S), to give keynote in Sri Lanka | 2 Comments |
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Donathan Brown, Communication Studies (H&S), to give keynote in SriLanka Comment from kwalker3 on 11/04/13
Say Hi to the Venerable Bhikkhu Samahita if you are in his area. And congrats!
Donathan Brown, Communication Studies (H&S), to give keynote in SriLanka Comment from jablard on 11/04/13