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Exercise & Sport Sciences Student and Faculty publish in Nov/Dec issue of American College of Sports Medicine JournalContributed by Jackie Wandell on 11/06/13 Cory Serviente, B.S. (2013, Clinical Exercise Science) and Professor Gary Sforzo published an article entitled "Measuring Waist Circumference to Determine Cardiometabolic Risk" in the American College of Sports Medicine 's Health & Fitness Journal (2013: p.29-34). The paper details the benefits and difficulties associated with using the simple but clinically relevant technique of measuring waist circumference. Note that Ms. Serviente is now in the MS-PhD. program at UMass, Amherst. Dr. Sforzo, however, is still here and ready to answer any questions you may have about this work. Come to the Wellness Clinic if you want to have your waist circumference measured and discuss strategies to modify that measurement !! |
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