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I would like to extend my thanks to all members of the Ithaca College community who assisted with an extremely successful Family Weekend.  Nearly 2000 family members registered to attend.

Mark your calendars for Family Weekend 2014: October 24-26

Photos of the event will be posted later this week at


The highlights of the weekend included:

  • A keynote address by President Rochon
  • Three concerts by the School of Music
  • A Family Photo booth
  • Open houses, demonstrations, and receptions by all the academic schools
  • A young alumni panel featuring alumni from all 5 schools sharing information about their budding careers with families and students
  • Bomber wins over St. John Fisher (football, field hockey, and volleyball) and over Stevens Institute of Technology (women’s soccer)
  • Religious services

 Special thanks to the staff of Conference and Event Services for handling the logistics of this very busy weekend and ensuring that everything went smoothly, to Facilities for making the campus beautiful and for setting up all the events, to the many event planners across campus who planned and organized individual events, and to our students for sharing their time and talents.

Without the cooperation of the College community this event could not be successful. Thank you to all -- the parents appreciated your work and enjoyed their weekend, and so do I!

Mark your calendars for Family Weekend 2014, which will be held October 24-26, 2014.


Family Weekend a Big Success! Thank you! | 0 Comments |
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