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Finals Stressing You Out?

Contributed by Cassandra Walters on 11/21/13 

Are finals stressing you out?  Active Minds and IC We Are One are here to help with Destress Fest on December 2nd from 7:30-9:30 on the second floor of Friends Hall.

Stressed about finals? Come destress with Active Minds and IC We Are One for a night a fun and relaxing activities put one by campus clubs. Pet a puppy with Guiding Eyes for the Blind, finger paint with Fun Without Drinking, meditate with IC Buddhist Community and play video games with the Gamer Symphony Orchestra (to name a few). There will also be a raffle for various gift cards to support the Mental Health Association.  So come join us on December 2nd from 7:30-9:30 on the second floor of Friends Hall.


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