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 We are a group of four graduate occupational therapy students at Ithaca College.  We are recruiting people to participate in a research study on the methods used to prevent falls in one’s home.  We are looking for people above the age of 65 who live in a residential home in Tompkins County.  


 Let us tell you more about the study.  All portions of this research will take place in your home and should last no longer than 1.5 hours in total.  First, you will be asked to complete a 10-20 minute survey about your home modifications and occurrences of falls.  Next, researchers will ask you to go into each room in your home and complete everyday tasks.  While you do this, the researchers will fill out a checklist noting their observations.   One of the researchers will be videotaping you while in your home. After participating, you will receive a packet of fall prevention literature.

    If you would like more information or are willing to participate in this study please contact either:  Erin Mulcahey at, or Lauren Spatzer at       Thank you for your consideration,         Erin Mulcahey, Lauren Spatzer, Kacey Scanlon, and Sandra Laats

Recruiting older adults to participate in OT study | 0 Comments |
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