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  Ithaca College's annual winter celebratory events are as follows:

  • Family Holiday Party 
    Fountain Place - December 14
    11:00 am - 1:00 pm (RSVP Required)
  • Holiday Faculty/Staff Reception
    Fountain Place - December 17
    4:00 pm - 7:00 pm (RSVP Required)
  • Campus Holiday Luncheon
    Terrace Dining Hall - December 19
    11:00 am - 1:00 pm (NO RSVP Necessary)


All Ithaca College employees and retirees are invited to attend the annual Holiday Luncheon on Thursday, December 19, in the Terrace Dining Hall!

This year's menu includes:

  • London Broil
  • Pasta Primavera
  • Seafood Newburg w/Rice
  • Roast Turkey Breast w/Gravy on side
  • Garlic Mashed Potatoes
  • Stuffing
  • Broccoli Florets
  • Tossed Green Salad w/Balsamic Vinaigrette
    (Apples/Dried Cranberries and/or Bleu Cheese Crumbles on side)
  • Fruit Salad
  • Rolls w/Butter
  • Double Layer Chocolate Cake (lighter version than last year) (OR)
  • Lemon Chiffon Roll w/Raspberry Sauce

This is ALSO an opportunity to BE SPOTTED!  Bring your sustainable mugs and/or beverage containers and win a free cup of coffee!

As in years past, President Tom Rochon asks that you give the "Gift of Reading" by bringing a new children's book to the holiday luncheon (monetary donations will also be accepted). This year will mark the 16th anniversary of the Family Reading Partnership, a nonprofit community organization that promotes early literacy and family reading practices throughout our community.

As always, there will be a holiday prize raffle with gifts, food, music and treats for everyone in attendance! 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Tanisha Graves at or (607) 274-3083. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Holiday Celebration Schedule - 2013 | 0 Comments |
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