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Creating an Inclusive Culture: The truth behind bias, bullying and other derailing behaviors.

The 5th annual Engaging Communities Luncheon will be held on Thursday, February 20th, 2013, from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in Emerson Suites. Join us as we explore and celebrate the notion of community and culture. Our guest speaker will be Craig B. Clayton, Sr. Director and Diversity Strategist with the University of Houston’s International Institute for Diversity and Cross Cultural Management for the last 14 years. He has provided guidance and expertise to a variety of global companies on the topics of building respectful organizational cultures, becoming a cultural competent organization and “best in class” practices on teambuilding.

During this event, Mr. Clayton will share with us the many forms of workplace bullying and derailing behaviors and discuss specific ways that higher education institutions can begin to drive these behaviors out of their environment. He will also provide relevant resources and effective techniques when working with derailing behaviors.

We hope that you can participate in the community-building event and help to shape the culture around you.

More information to follow in the New Year, so mark your calendars!! 


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