Welcome back from winter break! Below you will find information about the 2014-2015 housing selection process. If you have any questions, please email housing@ithaca.edu.
General Housing Information
- This year all Terrace suites are being converted to traditional rooms in order to offer more single and double opportunities in the Terraces.
- Sixty 4-person Circle Apartments will be changed to 5-person apartments for the 2014-2015 academic year. These apartments will have 3 singles and 1 double.
- Any student interested in living off-campus can apply to do so by going to https://www.ithaca.edu/reslife/off_campus/
- FYRE Program includes ALL upper/lower quads and East/West Towers. Returning students will not be able to select housing in these buildings with the exception of Clarke Hall which will be a mixed population building
- Quiet Study will be offered on the 3rd floor of Terrace 5 for returning students. Substance Free will be offered on the first floor of Terrace 5 for returning students
- The Home Program will be offered for new and returning students on the first and second floor of Eastman Hall
- The Honors Program will continue to be offered in Lyon Hall
- You can create groups to determine when your group can select housing. Only one member of your group should log in during your selection window to choose housing
- Students can search for available housing without actually selecting an assignment by using the “View Housing Availability for fall 2014”
- Once you select housing, you will not be able to request a change to your housing assignment for the Fall 2014 semester until summer wait list applications become available on April 7, 2014.
- If you experience any difficulties or would like to provide feedback during the selection process, use the “Report an Error” link.
- If you are a Senior (completed 5 semesters or more after Fall 2013) and wish to live on campus you should select housing during your designated time. If you wish to live off-campus, do not select housing.
- If you completed less than 5 semesters and have been approved for off-campus, you will not have access to select housing. If you plan to live on-campus and would like to decline your off-campus approval, contact housing@ithaca.edu prior to housing selection
- Specific housing information is available on the Office of Residential life website. If you have any questions please email us at housing@ithaca.edu
Rising Sophomores Housing Selection (Students with less than 3 completed semesters)
Details for Rising Sophomore selection can be found by going to https://www.ithaca.edu/reslife/guide/room_selection_programs/risingsoph/
- January 20, 2014 : Residential Learning and Substance Free Community applications available on HomerConnect
- March 18, 2014: Residential Learning and Substance Free Community Applications due on HomerConnect by 8:59pm
- March 21, 2014: Residential Learning Community and Substance approvals posted on HomerConnect
- March 24, 2014: Residential Learning and Substance Free Community Selection on HomerConnect from 7am to 8:59pm
- May 5, 2014 : Block housing applications due to the Office of Residential Life by 5pm
- July 14, 2014: Traditional housing selection; Students can select into any available space, including apartments and single rooms
Special note: Sophomore students may be part of an apartment group during the spring housing selection process as long as they make up less than half of the total group (see dates and times in the Junior/Senior section). Please note that apartment selection is very competitive and last year, groups with sophomore’s included were not able to secure an apartment.
Rising Juniors and Seniors Housing Selection (All students that have completed 3 semesters or more by Fall 2013)
Details for rising junior and senior selection can be found by going to https://www.ithaca.edu/reslife/guide/room_selection_programs/risingjrssrs/
- Eligible to select into single rooms or Garden/ Circle apartments
- Rising Juniors and Seniors are eligible to participate in Residential Learning Communities and can choose to live in single, double or triple rooms in Residential Learning Communities only.
Selection Dates (https://www.ithaca.edu/reslife/important_dates/?item=2694)
January 20- March 18 Residential Learning Community applications available
February 3 Circle Squatting
February 4 6-person Circles
February 6 5-person Circles
February 11 4-person Circles
February 13 3-person Circles
February 17 Garden Squatting
February 18 6-person Garden
February 20 4-person Garden
February 25 2-person Garden
March 5 Single Squatting
March 24 Residential Learning Community and Substance Free Selection
March 27 Single Selection
Apartment Selection Time Key (Time by number of semesters completed)
7:00-10:59 am 4+
11:00-11:59 am View all Available housing
12:00-2:00 pm 3+
2:01- 2:59 pm View all Available housing
3:00- 5:00 pm 2.2+