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Two members of the Ithaca College administrative team have accepted positions to lead the academic divisions at other institutions. 

 Mary Ellen Zuckerman, Dean of the School of Business, has been named Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the State University of New York College at Brockport. David Garcia, Associate Provost for Business Intelligence, has been named Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Carthage College.

Zuckerman joined Ithaca College in 2010 after having served as Dean and Distinguished Service Professor in the SUNY Geneseo School of Business. Under her direction over the past three-and-a-half years, the school has developed the Business Idea, Sustainability Case, and High School Investment Competitions; the Business-Link Professions Program; and an innovative investment track.

“Mary Ellen has provided dynamic leadership that engages our students and faculty with one another as well as with alumni and the wider business community,” said Marisa Kelly, Provost and Vice President for Educational Affairs. “She has continually moved both our undergraduate and graduate programs toward fulfilling the school’s mission of fostering a diverse, dynamic learning community where students can develop the knowledge, skills, and character needed for leadership in their organizations and communities. This is a great opportunity for her to take an academic leadership role at the highest level, and I wish her well at Brockport.”

Garcia served in several administrative positions at the college, most recently as Executive Associate Dean in the School of Humanities and Sciences, prior to joining the Office of the Provost in 2012. He works collaboratively with academic and administrative units across campus to ensure that the college is maximizing analytical capabilities to inform institutional decision making.

“As the first person to serve in this role, David has given a tremendous boost to our efforts to make data-driven decisions that benefit the entire campus community,” said Kelly. “As with Mary Ellen, I wish David all the best in his new position.”

Garcia will be reunited with former School of Music Dean Greg Woodward, who was named President of Carthage College in 2012.

Zuckerman and Garcia will assume their new positions on July 1. Plans surrounding their departures will be announced in the coming months.

Ithaca College Announces Departures of Two Administrators for Provost Positions | 0 Comments |
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