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Dear Future Love Letter Writer,

You are cordially invited to spread love and cheer on the college campus with IC More Love Letters, a new student organization! 

IC More Love Letters (ICMLL) is a Campus Cursive chapter of The World Needs More Love Letters, an organization that brightens days by leaving kind notes around for random strangers to find.

If you don't have a lot of time to give this semester and/or you're looking for a stress-reliever, joining ICMLL will be perfect for you. We're a low time commitment club and we do fun, feel-good activities!

ICMLL Love Letter Writers will be hiding kind notes around campus for people to stumble across! When you write a letter, be sure to include and @ICCampusCursive on them somewhere so people who find them can report them! 

We're not stopping there! Nominate someone you think could use some cheering up, and ICMLL Love Letter Writers will shower them with love and encouragement via beautifully composed, hand-written love letters! Don't worry, we'll protect the identity of your nominee, and you can stay anonymous too, if you'd like. 

So, become a Love Letter Writer and be a part of a movement to brighten more days!

Students, faculty, and members of the Ithaca community are all welcome to join.

We will be at the student organization fair on January 29th in Emerson Suites, so stop by, visit us, and sign up! If you can't wait and you need to become a Love Letter Writer right NOW (we don't blame you) you can sign up on IClink here:

ICMLL is very active on social media! Check us out, follow us, and like us with the following:


Twitter: @ICCampusCursive

Instagram: @ICCampusCursive

Send your love letter nominations to

If you find a hidden love letter on campus, take a picture and report it on our social media! 

We look forward to having a bright and cheerful semester with you!

Yours Forever,

IC More Love Letters


Want to spread some love on campus? Become a Love Letter Writer! | 0 Comments |
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