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Join the Intergenerational Choir!

Contributed by Emily Mason on 01/26/14 

The Ithaca College-Longview Intergenerational Choir will resume rehearsals Jan. 28, 2014.

Come join the Intergenerational Choir!  Open to anyone with a desire to make music, the choir is comprised of residents from Longview and Ithaca College students.  A collaboration between Ithaca College and Longview, an Ithacare Community, the choir performs twice throughout the semester at Ithaca College's School of Music and Longview.  This is a non-auditioned choir that rehearses each Tuesday evening 7-8pm at Longview.  Transportation is provided to IC students.  A van leaves the Whalen Circle at 6:40pm and drops students off at the same location by 8:10pm.  If you like to sing, like making new friends, and like to give back to your community, then join the Intergenerational Choir!  For more information, contact Dr. Emily Mason.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Dr. Emily Mason at or (607) 274-1285. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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