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Historic Views of Ithaca in 3D

Contributed by Wade Pickren on 01/29/14 

Stop by the Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center, to view photographs produced by Randi Millman-Brown, Visual Resources Curator in the Department of Art HIstory at Ithaca College, and her husband Keith Millman, Chair of New Media at TC3.

The photographs are images taken near Ithaca and are from The History Center of Ithaca’s collection of 19th stereographs.

Stereograph photography was popular in the 19th century as a way to see a scene in 3D (a predecessor of the View-Master). The process works by taking two pictures at the same time roughly three inches apart, mounting the images side by side, then viewing the pictures through a special viewer called a stereoscope. Taking this process one step further Randi and Keith have created a single picture from each stereograph pair and converted the depth information to Red and Cyan. This is called an anaglyph which when viewed with the colored viewers makes the pictures pop into 3D.

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