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Nominations for Sigma Xi honors

Contributed by Jill Ackerman on 02/12/14 

Nominations are open for student or faculty membership in Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Sigma Xi is a national honor society of scientists and engineers who are elected to the society because of their research achievements or potential. The Paulen A. Smith Chapter at Ithaca College was founded in 1965.

Nomination Procedure

This year the nomination procedure has changed with the hope that it is simpler. To nominate a student for membership in Sigma Xi, please fill out two forms, the Sigma Xi Local Nomination Form and the Sigma Xi National Nomination Form. These forms and further information can be found on the Sigma Xi website ( You do not need to be a member of Sigma Xi to nominate a student for membership. If you are not a member, leave the Nominator/Second Nominator information blank on the national form and the local committee will fill those in. Nominations for faculty are welcomed. Please talk to one of the local Sigma Xi officers for further information.

Both forms are electronically editable. Although electronic submittals are preferable, you may also print them out and submit written forms. The local form provides information for the local committee to consider for the nomination. The national form is for the local committee to forward to the national organization.

Nomination Criteria 

The nominated student should have evidence of scholarship through publication or presentation, have a clear intention of going further in scientific research and have a high quality GPA. Detailed guidelines can be found on the Sigma Xi website.

Deadline: The two nomination forms must be submitted to Bruce Thompson, Department of Physics, CNS 263 (Tel: 274-3984, Email: by Friday, February 14, 2014.

Banquet and Induction: The banquet and induction ceremony will be held this year on Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 5:30pm in the Campus Center Klingenstein Lounge. Note that this date is earlier than in the past. Nominators should plan to attend and prepare a few comments about the research achievements of the student or faculty member.

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