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NSF Grants Workshop

Contributed by Wade Pickren on 02/13/14 

Monday, February 17, 2014, 12:00 - 2:30 p.m. (lunch provided)
Center for Faculty Excellence, 316 Gannett Center
Facilitated by Dr. Jeff Mantz, Program Officer in NSF's Directorate of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences

If you are developing a grant proposal to NSF or just interested in how to do so, please join us for all or part of the session. Please bring your idea, concept paper, or your questions to the session. For more information, please contact Wade Pickren ( or MaryAnn Taylor (
(register here) Registration is limited to the first 20 registrants.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Laurie Wasik at or (607) 274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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