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On March 5, 2014, any rising juniors or seniors (students that have completed 3 or more semesters by the end of fall 2013) that are currently living in single rooms are eligible to squat in their current room. In order to squat your single room for the 2014-2015 academic year, you will need to log onto HomerConnect, on March 5, 2014 between the hours of 9am and 9pm.

Please log onto HomerConnect,, today to check your eligibility to squat your room. You can learn about squatting by going to

If you have trouble squatting your room, please call Residential Life and Housing at 607-274-3141.

Failure to squat on March 5, 2014, between 9am and 9pm will result in a student needing to select housing elsewhere on campus according to semester standing. 

If you choose to not squat your room, you can visit to view the housing selection time line.





Attention rising junior students living in Terrace single rooms! | 0 Comments |
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