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let Kaplan Test Prep help you get ready for grad school exams on Saturday, February 22nd.

Many graduate school programs require entrance exams, such as the GRE, GMAT*, MCAT, PCAT*, or LSAT. Kaplan Test Prep administers practice versions of these exams in the fall and spring semesters at no cost to Ithaca College students. 

Kaplan's FREE Practice Tests for LSAT, MCAT & GRE will be held at Ithaca College in Textor Hall on Saturday, February 22 [MCAT & LSAT will start promptly at 10am | GRE at 10:30am]. You will score your test immediately and receive a detailed report and score analysis on your performance on the exam. You will also have the chance to learn a few Kaplan test-taking strategies to help you build speed, comfort and confidence. 

Reserve your seat today here: FREEPracticeTest_Spring2014

Questions can be directed to Kaplan Campus Manager, Stephanie Miller at

*The GMAT and PCAT practice tests are available through the "LIVE, Online Anywhere" format only.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Career Services at or (607) 274-3365. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Free chance to practice taking the GRE, MCAT and LSAT exams coming up! | 0 Comments |
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