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Hillel is looking for students who know how to style hair to help with our annual Inch-a-Thon event on Monday, March 3rd from 9am -4pm in the North Foyer of Campus Center.

Those volunteering their time will get a free t-shirt!

This can be anything from blow drying and straightening to curling and braiding in fun way!

Interested in helping raise money for this amazing event? Fill out the following form, letting us know your availability for the day! We look forward to having you! 

This event is based on donating hair to benefit Pantene Beautiful Lengths. All funds raised will be donated to Chai Lifeline, an organization helping those children diagnosed with a life threatening illness.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Know how to style hair? Help raise money for the Inch-a-Thon and cancer awareness! | 0 Comments |
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