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As you begin to plan for Commencement/Senior Week 2014, please keep in mind the following on-campus housing guidelines. All campus residents except for graduating seniors, Resident Assistants, and Circle Apartment residents are required to vacate their rooms no later than 3:00 p.m. on May 10, 2014 unless they receive written approval from the Office of Residential Life to remain. For students with a final exam scheduled, or final papers/projects due on Monday, May 12, 2014, the deadline to vacate their rooms will be extended until 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13, 2014. Students with a Monday final exam, paper or project due should notify their RA.

Except for the Circle Apartments, all residence halls close at noon on Monday, May 19, 2014.  Residents of the Quads, Towers, Emerson, Terraces, Boothroyd and the Garden Apartments must vacate their rooms by that time (including removal of all personal property).

Student supervisors, faculty, and IC staff members must submit requests for their students who are required to remain on campus to fulfill student employment, academic, athletic or commencement-related responsibilities during Commencement Week (e.g., Commencement Concert, Senior Week Volunteer, post-season competition). Note: It is recommended to submit a request for all your students without regard to whether they live on or off campus.

Individual students may submit a request for reasonable accommodation of their personal need (e.g., transportation). Additional details will be required to request more than one additional day to accommodate any personal need. Please note that the unavailability of housing at any non-Ithaca campus destination (e.g., off-campus sublet, summer internship/employment) is ineligible for Commencement Week approval.

To submit a request to stay for Commencement Week, visit this web page:

To submit a request, you will need to request a departure date. For a staff and faculty requests, you will need your students’ IC E-mail addresses.

Important Notes:

  • The deadline to submit your Commencement Week request is 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 7, 2014. Late requests may not be considered.
  • Only current campus residents are eligible to be housed on campus during Commencement week. Graduating Seniors who are currently away from campus will be notified separately as to how to request on-campus housing.
  • Students remaining on campus for Commencement Week are not required to be on a meal plan. Meal plans will only be automatically extended for students asked to stay by the Commencement Committee.
  • Students who are fulfilling commencement-related responsibilities are expected to check out no later than 24 hours after their last shift.
  • Students who are participating in post-season athletic competition are expected to check out no later than 24 hours after their last competition.
  • A limited amount of on-campus housing is available for Ithaca College students who are employed on campus full time during the summer. Arrangements for summer employee housing can be made through the Office of Campus Center and Events Services. Summer housing will be offered beginning at 4:00 p.m. on May 18, 2014. For more information, contact the Office of Campus Center and Events Services at (607) 274-3313.

Unapproved students who are found in a residence hall after the date and time at which they were expected to check out are subject to a $100.00 unauthorized presence fine and judicial action.

For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact the Office of Residential Life in the East Tower at (607) 274-3141.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact The Office of Residential Life at or (607) 274-3141. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Commencement/Senior Week 2014 On-campus Housing Guidelines | 0 Comments |
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