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Please be aware that all new incoming IC community members will have their username assigned based on the “first initial + full last name” format.

Student usernames will no longer be limited to the first 6 characters of their last name, and will no longer automatically include a number. However, any username (faculty, staff or student) may have a number added to it as necessary to prevent duplication of an existing username.

This change only applies to usernames assigned since late last fall; currently assigned usernames of community members will not change. The new format will become more noticeable as this year’s incoming freshman have their accounts set up in IC systems. Therefore, going forward, it will no longer be possible to distinguish a student from a faculty/staff member based on the presence of a number in their username.

This is part of a new initiative that will allow each person to have one permanent identity with the college, regardless of whether they are a student, faculty/staff member, or alumnus. It will also allow for an IC community member to have multiple roles at the college without having to maintain multiple accounts.

ITS Helpdesk
104 Job Hall

Username Format Change for New Community Members | 0 Comments |
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