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The Protestant Community (ICPC) is welcoming the Ithaca community to take part in a discussion about faith and social justice through the event "The Budget and Your Neighbor", presented by author and activist Lisa Sharon Harper, on Monday, March 3rd in Emerson Suites from 7-8:30pm. 

Harper will also be speaking on Sunday, March 2nd at Muller Chapel for the Sonrise worship service from 5-6pm, titled "Peace, Race, and Poverty" with a Q & A session to follow. 

Check out the Facebook event and learn more about our guest speaker! We hope to see you there! 

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact James Touchton at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

ICPC Presents: Lisa Sharon Harper- The Budget and Your Neighbor | 0 Comments |
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