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Huzzah! Spring Break is almost here—which means we’re getting ready for Block 4! SLI Sessions have already been posted, so you can get back on that leadership development groove as soon as you get back. Make sure to check out OrgSync for sessions to sign up for, and remember, RVSP at least 48 hours in advance so you can get your credit. Here are some fantastic events coming up the week we get back:

Saying “Thank You” Isn’t Enough


Tuesday March 18th, 2014 from 7:00PM—8:00PM in Taughannock Falls Room

Leading Others

What is the best way to say thank you? Gary Chapman and Paul White, authors of "The 5 Languages of Appreciation," suggest that people speak different "languages" and if you do not communicate in a way meaningful to them, they will not feel valued. Learn the principles behind the 5 languages and learn how to apply them in your student organization, group project, and internship.

Women Leader Series: TIA Talks Highlights

Wednesday March 19th, 2014 from 4:00PM—5:00PM in Taughannock Falls Room

Leading in a Diverse World

TIA stands for Teach, Initiate, Advocate! TIA Talks, inspired by the popular, award-winning TED Talks, are a series of presentations by some of Ithaca College’s most knowledgeable speakers around the issue of gender equity. This series offers ideas to change attitudes and inspire action to eliminate the gender pay gap among new college graduates. Clips from the 2013 TIA Talks will be played and participants will be able to discuss the ideas presented.

The Game of Life

Saturday March 22nd, 2014 from 1:00PM—3:00PM in Clark Lounge

Leading Self

Student loans to pay off, new tires for your car, monthly bills and credit cards - are you prepared to manage your financial resources effectively now, and to plan for a future with financial security? In this engaging session, you will work with a small team of students to learn about financial decision-making and budgeting skills that will help you now and in your future.  Snacks will be served, prizes will be awarded during the workshop and the winning team members will win gift cards to Viva Tacqueria!


SLI Weekly Update: Get Ahead of the Game! | 0 Comments |
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