Rachel Briggs, a member of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, will be coming to IC to speak to students about preservation and conservation efforts in Utah, and the importance of preservation around the world. The presentation will be on Monday, March 17th, at 7pm in Textor 102.
The Facebook event:
Rachel Briggs, a member of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, will be coming to IC to speak to students about preservation and conservation efforts in Utah, and the importance of preservation around the world. The IC Greens are very happy to be hosting her!
A bit about the program:
"Wild Utah: America's Redrock Wilderness" is a multi-media slideshow documenting citizen efforts to designate public lands in southern Utah's spectacular canyon country as part of the National Wilderness Preservation System. This 20-minute journey through redrock splendor invigorates and motivates viewers to participate in the movement to protect these unique lands.
The program was made possible through the generous donation of photos, music and words from concerned Utahans who wish to pass this heritage onto future generations, including narration by Robert Redford.
The multimedia slideshow will be shown in conjunction with a presentation on the status of the Utah wilderness movement – including the current effort to protect the Greater Canyonlands region – by Rachel Briggs, Eastern Grassroots Organizer for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. This inspirational and informational event is a must see for people wishing to become personally involved to make the difference in this tremendous American public lands conservation effort.
For more information about the SUWA, follow this link:
Monday, March 17th, 2014
7pm - Textor 102
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the IC Greens at icgreens@ithaca.edu. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.