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During the semester prior to graduation, all Leadership Scholars present a Senior Capstone to highlight who they have become as a leader and a scholar during their time at Ithaca College. The scholars present on a variety of experiences that have helped them develop leadership skills, and they are asked to discuss the impact of these experiences on their plans after IC, as well. This year, 57 seniors presented capstones, including:
The common themes of lessons learned from these experiences included: improved communication skills, enhanced time management and project management skills, increased confidence, appreciation for diversity, understanding the importance of serving the community and selecting meaningful professional development experiences.
Congratulations to the following outstanding group of seniors. Their leadership has contributed significantly to the Ithaca College community:
Gregory Addicott Morgan Agia Matthew Bailey-Adams Joshua Borfitz Jackelyn Branco Amber Capogrossi Alex Cartini Nicole Coghlan Sean Cotty Kevin Dates John Austin Douillard Carlene Nora Doyle Taylor Eike Eric Flyte Alyssa Frey Miranda Gehris Emily Haff Nicholas Hall Lee Henig Abigail Jenkins Rhonwen Jones Emily Junge Rebecca Kabel Tiara Kanney Kristen Kelly Adam King Lindsay Kingston Paige Klingerman David Klodowski Chelsey Lavere Alisha N. Luziani Jordan A. Mancuso Ashley Rose McGinnes Meagan McGinnes Davisa Mills Michela Moe Robert Oldroyd Taylor Palmer Thomas Pang Alexa Perlstein Elana Radin Alexandra R. Robinson Erin T. Smith Emily Sprague Emmalouise St. Amand Rachel Strongin Kamila Z Swerdloff Katherine Talay Ian Vitkus Chadwick Vonholtz Elisabeth Wentlent Lindsey Williams Zachary Woelfel These scholars presented their capstones early, because they plan to be studying away from campus in Fall 2014, and graduating in December 2014:
Nicholas Lomauro
Carin Pracht Megan Morris Jennifer Pham
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