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 Come March 24th at 2:30pm in Terrace Dining Hall at Food Lab for our Meatless Monday Food Lab Demo to learn the story behind Meatless Monday.

Space is limited, so please REGISTER HERE


Krystil Smith of the Humane Society will lead a discussion and answer any questions you may have about Meatless Monday. Sue Wood, Campus Center Dining Hall's own Vegan Chef, will do a live Food Demo, preparing a delicious meatless meal for you to try.

Can't make it to the demo? That's okay! Krystil will be at the Terrace Dining Hall during Monday's lunch  to answer any questions that you may have.


Click here for more information. Do you still have questions? Contact info is below!




Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Rachel O'Campo at or (607) 274-5899. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

SLI Credit and Food Demo - Monday, 3/24 at Terrace Dining Hall! | 0 Comments |
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