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Please consider donating items from your department for the Class of 2017!Contributed by Joelle Albertsman on 04/07/14 We are inviting all departments and schools to donate prizes for the "First-Year Friday" raffle! "First-Year Friday" is an end-of-the-year, social event to celebrate the Class of 2017 and mark the completion of their first year at IC. Residential Life is sponsoring the event on Friday, April 11th from 11:00am – 2:00pm on the Fitness Center Quad (or in Emerson Suites pending inclement weather). Attractions include BBQ picnic food, DJ, photo booth, crafting tables, and the creation of a CLASS OF 2017 TIME CAPSULE to be opened in 2017! We will also provide a collection of themed prize-baskets to raffle off to Class of 2017 attendees. >>> This is where you come in! While we already plan to provide some prizes for students at the "First-Year Friday" event, we want to open up the opportunity to donate to the IC community. If any department or school wishes to donate prize baskets to the "First-Year Friday" raffle (or simply contribute individual items for a raffle basket) we welcome your involvement and collaboration! The items/baskets can be any theme, as long as it is appropriate for first-year students and abides by the institution’s policies. If you or your department wishes to celebrate the Class of 2017 by donating, please contact Joelle Albertsman in the Residential Life Office at to make arrangements. You may also email FYRE at with any questions or seeking further information about First-Year Friday.
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